Bioherb - Diabetes
An estimated 422 million adults worldwide were living with diabetes in 2014, as compared to 108 million in 1980 (WHO report, accessed Nov. 20, 2017, and THE LANCET, Volume 387, No. 10027, p1513–1530, 9 April 2016, accessed Nov. 20 2017 )
The cost of developing a new drug for human use is estimated to be over $1 billion, an amount that even most countries in the developed world cannot afford to invest. On the other hand, the newer drugs developed by western pharmaceutical companies are patent protected, costly, and unaffordable for most diabetes patients living in the underdeveloped and developing countries. Our clinical case studies show that Bio-Herb Diabetes Formula, when used as a mono agent in mild cases or as an add on agent in moderate cases, is very effective for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, and if manufactured and distributed in the developing countries, it can drastically reduce the cost of type 2 diabetes treatment.
We are looking for countries and companies outside of Canada who are interested in buying the formulation or leasing the technology of its manufacturing. Interested parties please contact us by e-mail or mail.
Data presented here is selected from the research files of Bio-Herb Remedies Inc. Canada
Diabetes Case: Early stage diabetic patient with no history of earlier medications. To resist prescription medications, tried to lower blood sugar by diet and life style changes but did not work. Patient started our product with one capsule per day before dinner. After three months blood work indicated normal fasting blood sugar.
Patient's lab report before and after taking our product:
( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
No need for prescription medications at this point.
Diabetes Case: Patient with 17 years history of diabetes
Before taking our product patient was on 2 Glyburide tablets per day. Patient's fasting blood sugar (FBS) was 13-15 mmol/L with Hemoglobin A1C of 10.4 and higher cholesterol level. Insulin injection was recommended as the last option. Patient started our product as 5 capsules per day.
Patient's clinical report before and after taking our product:
( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
- Hemoglobin A1C (3 months blood sugar range) dropped from 10.4 to 8.9
- Cholesterol reduced to normal level
- LDL reduced to normal level
- No need for Insulin
- Hemoglobin A1C (3 months blood sugar range) dropped from 7.8 to 7.1
- Cholesterol reduced to normal level
- LDL reduced to normal level
- 100% reduction in Metformin and Diamicron (prescription medications)
- 50% reduction in Glyburide (prescription medication)
- No need for Insulin
- No increase in liver enzymes and no side effects.
- Fasting blood sugar reduced from 16.7 to 8.8 mmol/L
- HgbA1C dropped from 10.7 to 9.7%
- Cholesterol and Triglyceride both normalized
- No signs of liver damage as liver enzymes are very much normal
- Microalbumin / Creatinine Ratio normalized and kidneys are protected.
- Kidneys filtration rate (eGFR) increased from 104 to 114 mL/min (increase of 10 ml/min).
- Prescription medications dosage remained the same.
- Fasting blood sugar reduced
- Cholesterol reduced
- Completely free of any prescription medications
- Elevated liver enzyme GGT reduced and ALT normalized
- Avandia (prescription medicine) was completely stopped and blood sugar drop to 6.0 mmol/L
- Blood Pressure normalized and no need for BP medicine.
- Diuretic pill stopped as water retention and swelling completely disappeared.
- Damage to the eye that was noticed during previous eye exam has healed and patient's eye sight has also improved.
Diabetes Case: Patient with 15 years history of diabetes
Before taking our product patient was on 4 Glyburide, 2 Metformin and 1 Diamicron per day (all prescription medications) and yet daily test showed blood sugar as high as 8 - 11 mmol/L. Insulin injection was recommended as the last option.
Patient's clinical report before and after taking our product:
( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Note: an increase in A1C to 7.8 was temporary. As of Jan. 2010 patient is in great health.
Diabetes Case: Patient with over 20 years of Diabetes problem. Was taking 3 Glyburide and 3 Glucophage tablets a day and despite that fasting blood sugar was 15-16 mmol/L. Was recommended Insulin as last option. A1C was high (10.7) with signs of kidney problem.
Patient's lab report before and after using our product:
( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Effectiveness and safety of our Formulation for Diabetes
Diabetes Case: Patient with 9 years history of Diabetes. Was taking 4 Metformin and 1 Diamicron a day. Blood tests indicate sign of liver damage and higher blood cholesterol.
Started our product and gradually reduced the prescription medications. In just six months patient was completely off prescription medicine and with better health.
Patient's lab report before and after using our product:
( ) figures indicate the normal values or range
Effectiveness and safety of our Formulation for Diabetes
Diabetes Case: Patient with 8 years history of Diabetes.
Before starting our product was on one Avandia tablet per day and despite that the bood sugar was ranging from 9-12 mmol/L. Was also on Blood Pressure medication and diuretic pill.
Started our product on Feb. 25th 2004
July 15th 2004 (5 months later):
Data presented here is selected from the research files of Bio-Herb Remedies Inc. Canada
Note: Canada has a national health care plan that covers patients' medical cost. Immediate or frequent medical tests are requested only when physicians consider it is essential, otherwise, they are done every three to six months, or yearly. When the data presented here indicates improvement after 6 or 9 months or years of taking Bio-Herb Diabetes Formula, it does not necessarily mean that one has to take it for that long to see an improvement - the medical tests in these cases were done after a longer period of time.